

홈리스 관련 각종 자료들을 모아둔 곳입니다.
조회 수 : 9299
2004.01.11 (14:40:17)
인도 뭄바이에서 열리는 제4회 세계사회포럼에서 배포할 노실사 리플렛
내용중 주요활동 부분입니다.
리플렛에 노실사 창립선언문을 꼭 넣고 싶어 넣다보니,
주요활동 부분은 별도로 한장짜리 속지로 만들었습니다.

첨부된 파일은 전실노협의 영문판과 노실사 영문판이 같이 첨부된 리플렛이며,
노실사 주요활동(사진 참조)은 한글로 되어 있으니 아래 영문을 참조하시면 됩니다.

* Major activity of 'No-Sil-Sa'

ꌚ ‘No-Sil-Sa Sarangbang'(charged shelter for housing assistance of single homeless men)
No-Sil-Sa Sarangbang is a charged shelter for housing assistance of single homeless men who are hired as unofficial laborer such as construction daily worker, street stallman, peddler. It can be rented for $ 100-120 for a month and occupy 7 rooms(a room for a person) with meals

ꌚ Holding Homeless Memorial Day
It is not easy to define and identify 'death of homeless people', but many people seem to die in municipal hospitals as 'person who died unidentified on the road' or to be found dead on the street. According to a research by Association of Physicians for Humanism, the number of homeless people as person who died unidentified on the road is 1,672, year 1998-2001 and average age is 48.3 years. Therefore, since 2001 we have held the Homeless Memorial Day on winter solstice.

ꌚ Publication of quarterly magazine 'Tulgudungi'
'Tulgudungi' is a Korean word which means 'person who is dismissed from a home-like place'. It is similar to homeless person. The quarterly magazine 'Tulgudungi' contain the concrete cases of social discrimination against homeless people and the assertion about social responsibility for homelessness problem. Its contributors are composed of workers in homeless shelters, homeless persons and researchers.

ꌚ Participation of night out reach activity
A volunteer team which is composed of salary men, students, homeless persons, workers in shelters and nurses participate in out reach activity with tea and things indispensible to life on every Thursday.

ꌚ A joint activity
Participation of connection activity with non-government organization for basic social security and anti-poverty(Basic Social Security Demonstration / One Person Demonstration against harsh treatment by public power).

ꌚ Participation of international interchange between Korea, Japan and Hong Kong
We have participated in the East Asia International Interchange Meeting since 2000.
2004.01.15 (13:51:05)
노실사 왕팬
oh!! wonderfull!!
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