

홈리스 관련 각종 자료들을 모아둔 곳입니다.
조회 수 : 7875
2012.08.21 (11:45:55)

                  FOUR REGIONS SLUM NETWORK   Unite Slum Dwellers Unite the Poor


                         463/1 Soi 9 Ramkhamhaeng 39, Wangthonglang, Bangkok, Thailand     tel/fax: +66 (0)2 7186472-3



20 August 2012



Mr. Chung Chang-Young



240 Jungang-ro, Dong-gu

Daejeon City, Korea 300-720


Dear Mr. Chung:


We, the Four Regions Slum Network (FRSN), are an organization of urban poor slum dwellers and the homeless from around Thailand, who are working on the issues of land and housing rights. On 22 August 2011, we held a demonstration at the Korean Embassy in Bangkok to protest against Korail’s eviction of the homeless from Seoul Station and to call on the Korean government to intervene to stop Korail from enacting the regulation causing the eviction.


One year has now passed, and the situation of the homeless at Seoul Station has not improved. We understand that Seoul Station is now closed from 1:30-4:30 every night, and that homeless people are not permitted to enter the station during this time. Furthermore, we know that Korail has hired a special private security team to confront people who appear to be homeless and evict them from Seoul Station during both day and night. This action represents clear discrimination against the homeless, as they too are members of the general public, who have a right to use the station just like everyone else.


In fact, evicting the homeless from Seoul Station solves no problems. Moreover, accusing them of being a terrorism risk as a pretext to evict them only promotes more public distrust and prejudice toward the homeless, making it even harder for them to find a way out of homelessness. Instead of making the already precarious situation of the homeless even more difficult, Korail, as a state-run agency with a responsibility toward Korean society, should try to help find a constructive solution to the problem, which fundamentally lies in insufficient provision of social and housing assistance to the poor.


FRSN therefore urges you to set up a support system and facilities to guarantee the human rights of the homeless, put an end to the policy of evicting the homeless from Seoul Station and terminate the private security contract, and stop closing the station from 1:30 to 4:30 every night.


Yours sincerely,

Ponganan Choungtham



cc: H.E. Mr. Lim Jae-hong, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea in Thailand



FRSN 태국의 주거권과 토지 관련 이슈에  대응하고 있으며  도시빈민과 홈리스들을 위한 단체입니다. 단체는 2011 8 22 방콕 한국 대사관 앞에서 코레일의 노숙인퇴거 조치 철회를 요구하는 집회를 연바 있습니다.


1년이 지난 현재 서울역의 홈리스들의 상황은 나아지지 않았습니다. 서울역을 1:30 4:30 까지 폐쇄하고 홈리스들을 밤낮 없이 내쫓고 있고 코레일은 특수 경비용역을 고용하여 이를 수행하고 있습니다. 조치는 동등한 사회구성원이며 다른이들과 마찬가지로 서울역을 이용할 권리가 있는 홈리스에 대한 명백한 차별입니다.


사실상 홈리스 추방은 어떤 문제도 해결하지 못합니다. 또한 홈리스를 테러위협으로 삼는 것은 그들을 추방하기 위한 핑계이며 편견과 낙인을 조장할 뿐이며 홈리스들의 탈노숙을 어렵게 만들 뿐입니다. 공기업인 코레일은 문제 해결을 위하여 건설적인 해결책을 강구하여야 합니다. 


이에 FRSN 코레일에게 홈리스지원을 위한 서울역 홈리스 상담 인권보장을 위한 지원 시스템을 마련하고, 홈리스 추방 정책 철회와 특수용역 계약 해지, 그리고 1:30분부터 4:30 사이의 폐쇄시간 철회를 요구합니다.


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